Hello Codi for iPhone

We will create an iPhone app that works similarly to the app in the App Inventor 2 Japanese version tutorial using OpenAI’s GPT-4. To create an iPhone app, you need a development environment called Xcode that runs on a Mac. Here, we used Xcode 14.2 on macOS 12.6.3.

Interaction with GPT-4


Do you know the App Inventor app called Hello Codi?


As an AI language model, I’m not able to browse the internet or access new information. As of my last knowledge update in September 2021, I am not familiar with an App Inventor app called “Hello Codi." It’s possible that the app you’re referring to was created after my knowledge was last updated or it’s a lesser-known app.

App Inventor is a visual programming platform developed by MIT that allows users to create apps for Android devices without writing code. Instead, users can build apps using drag-and-drop components and blocks. While there might be many apps built with App Inventor, I can’t provide specific information about “Hello Codi" without further context.

If you can provide more details about the app, I’d be happy to help answer any questions you have based on my general knowledge of App Inventor and mobile app development.

GPT-4 is not familiar with Hello Codi, so consider using a Chrome extension called WebChatGPT. With WebChatGPT, URLs found through internet searches can be provided to GPT-4, allowing it to access more information. The following URLs are given to GPT-4, a tutorial from MIT, a tutorial at github.io, and another tutorial from MIT.


Do you know the App Inventor app called Hello Codi?


Yes, I’m familiar with the HelloCodi app. HelloCodi is a simple app that can be built using MIT App Inventor, a free, cloud-based service that allows you to create your own mobile apps using a block-based programming language [3]. The HelloCodi app involves creating a button with a picture of Codi the bee on it, and programming the button so that when it is clicked, the phone will make a buzzing sound [1]. To build HelloCodi, you’ll need an image file of Codi the bee [1].


Can you create an iPhone app that works like Hello Codi?


While the HelloCodi app is specifically designed for Android using MIT App Inventor, you can create a similar app for iOS devices using an alternative platform like SwiftUI or Xcode, which are Apple’s frameworks for developing iOS applications.

To create an iPhone app that works like HelloCodi, you would need to:

  1. Install Xcode, the integrated development environment (IDE) for iOS development, on a macOS computer.
  2. Learn Swift, Apple’s programming language for iOS app development.
  3. Create a new project in Xcode and design the user interface with a button featuring a picture of Codi the bee.
  4. Add the necessary code in Swift to play a buzzing sound when the button is tapped.

However, if you prefer a more beginner-friendly and visual approach similar to MIT App Inventor, you can try using Thunkable (https://www.thunkable.com/). Thunkable is a drag-and-drop app builder that supports both Android and iOS app development. You can create a HelloCodi-like app for iPhone using Thunkable by designing the user interface and adding the necessary blocks for playing a buzzing sound when the button is tapped.


Try creating it using SwiftUI


To create an iPhone app similar to HelloCodi using SwiftUI, follow these steps:

  1. Install Xcode on a macOS computer if you haven’t already.
  2. Open Xcode and create a new SwiftUI project.
  3. In the project navigator, click on “Assets.xcassets" and add the image of Codi the bee to your project.
  4. Open the ContentView.swift file to edit the user interface and code.

Replace the existing code in ContentView.swift with the following SwiftUI code:


Creating iPhone Apps with Xcode

Project Creation

Launch Xcode and create an iOS App project named HelloCodi, with Interface as SwiftUI and Language as Swift.

Adding image and audio files

Add the codi.jpg and Bee-Sound.mp3 files used for the App Inventor version of Hello Codi to the assets.

Paste swift code

Paste the swift code created by GPT-4 into ContentView.swift.

Image files, audio files and ContentView.swift can be downloaded as zip files from here. Please unzip the files after downloading.


The execution result is as shown here. Clicking also produces sound.

